About us
'Biobalance' LLC is a leading company engaged in biological method, that has its own production and operates in such Ukrainian regions as Poltava, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Kyiv, Odesa, Chernihiv, Chernivtsy, Sumy, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv. Founded in 2010, the company has a rich experience in the field of protection plants through the use of different species of entomophages, which helps to preserve plant yield, making modern agriculture more bio-friendly and reducing the usage of agrochemicals. This approach allows us to obtain biologically clean crops and contributes to the development of organic farming. During the existence of 'Biobalans' LLC, relying on experience of foreign and native scientists, as well as cooperating actively with the leading Ukrainian agro-holdings and farms, processed more than 1 million hectares of crops. The company has positive results in using biological method in areas of hybridization of farms growing seeds for Monsanto, Syngenta, Pioneer, Euralis, KWS, as well as on demo-fields.
Additional services
Comprehensive survey of crops
The comprehensive survey of crops using light traps and visual examination, which gives the possibility to determine the stage of development of pests and to define the most favorable time for insertion of entomophytes. Investigation of the territory with the help of light traps has its advantages, it is known that insects respond to any light sources.
Choice of the optimal scheme
The choice of the optimal scheme for insertion of entomophages, depending on the number of pests in crops, as well as setting the terms of resettlement, which depends on the stage of development of the pest and the phase of development of the plant. This allows to determine the required amount of biomaterials and improve the efficiency of protection of agricultural crops.
Transporting to any country. Transporting the entomophages and storing it before application allows to maintain qualitative indexes of the material at the initially high level in accordance with the quality certificate and, thus, to increase the level of plant protection.
The aviation method of settlement of entomophages - reduces trauma of the biomaterial and, as a consequence, does not affect its quality; economically and technologically justified, because the arsenal of agricultural machinery, used in certain phases of development crops is significantly limited.
The control of the process of insertion (adherence to resettlement technology, adjusting the placing depending on specific weather conditions). Compliance with the technological requirements allows to use the material exactly as intended, in the right conditions and in sufficient quantity.
The examination of the effect of bioagents on the pest, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of crop protection using entomophages. Thus, integrated protection of crops is implemented and the maximum permissible concentration of pests is maintained.
Our sertificates and patents
Our products
Entomophages is an effective means of protecting crops due to limiting the number of polyphagous pests attacking plants. The most common species of entomophages in the Ukrainian practice are trichogramma and habrobracon. The advantages of these species are simple practice of laboratory breeding, their ability to quick accumulation and high biological efficiency.
Trichogramma leads a parasitic life, its pupae eat eggs from insect pests and adults eat nectar and dew. This allows to neutralize about 70 species of pests inhabiting fields and gardens at the stage of eggs and as a consequence - to preserve the crop. Trichogramma is effective for the destruction before appearance caterpillars' appearance such pests as: corn (stem) and meadow moths, cotton bollworm, leaf-eating and cutworms, moths, leafworms, pyralid moths, сodling moth, American white butterflies and others. A significant part of pests has a hidden lifestyle and chemical agents in such cases are ineffective, they destroy the useful entomofauna of crops, which leads to undesirable results in the future. Among the advantages of this method should be noted, such as: reduction of yield loss on more than 20%, broad spectrum, aviation way of application (eliminates the need of using special equipment) and the destruction of several generations of the pests.
Habrobracon along with Trichogramma takes a leading role in biological protection fruit, technical, vegetable, grain and other agricultural crops. The mechanism of action of entomophages is parasitizing caterpillars of harmful species of cutworms and other lepidoptera. It is known that habrobracon infects more than 75 species of these insects. Females parasitize almost all types of leaf-eating and cutworms, as well as pyralid and сodling moths. A high level of infection is observed with caterpillars of such moth as cotton, cabbage and tomato wich cause significant harm to grain and technical crops, vegetables. Caterpillars of these pests are characterized by a pronounced natural resistance to all known insecticides, especially from the third age. Moreover, the sanitary and hygienic requirements for products sharply reduce not only the arsenal of chemical insecticides, but also the number of their application. This is especially true of vegetable crops, sunflower, soybeans, corn. So the important regulatory role of gabrorakon in the populations of leaf-eating and cutworms, as well as pyralid is obvious and its use is actually a crucial technique in protecting plants from phytophages.
Monitoring of pests with the use of light traps
The task of this model of light trap is to increase the efficiency of insect capture, accuracy and clarity of monitoring, energy efficiency, as well as the convenience of its implementation. The use of this light trap with sticky replaceable tabs allows you to monitor the number of insects on agricultural land with high accuracy and convenience. The advantage of the light trap is the ability to adjust the optimal period of time of effective operation, it means forcibly set the time of switching on and off the LEDs. The use of this scheme allows to attract insects during their greatest activity, significantly save the accumulated electricity in the batteries, extend the battery life of the trap.
Grain moth eggs are food for entomophages
Grain moth is a common field and barn pest. On an industrial scale, it is cultivated for the needs of the biomethod - obtaining eggs on which the trichogramma is bred. Grain moth eggs (Sitotroga cerealella) are a natural substitute for food in mass breeding, accumulation and maintenance of the population of predatory entomophages (lacewings, cyclonedia, macrolophus, dicyphus, orius).
In the autumn-winter period, in order to protect crops and prevent crop losses, it is necessary to control mouselike rodents in winter crops. If the pest reaches the economic threshold of harmfulness (ETH): 30 and more residential holes / hectare on winter crops, 50 and more residential holes / hectare on winter rapeseed and perennial grasses it is recommended to use treating with bactorodencid (Salmonella enteritidis var. Issatschenko). It is a highly effective biological preparation for the control of rodents such as voles, gray rats and house mice. The drug is prepared for convenience in the form of grain bait.
The pathogenicity of Isachenko's bacterium for useful animals and humans has been studied by many scientists (Isachenko, Merezhkovsky, Golubeva, Prokhorov, etc.). In the experiments there were used: chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, cattle, sheep, horses, wild predators (ferret, weasel, ermine). All authors came to the conclusion that Isachenko's bacterium is safe for humans and domestic animals and has selective pathogenicity only to rodents.
Low temperature to -25˚C and its sharp fluctuations do not reduce quality of the preparation. It has a high biological activity (85-95%), does not cause resistance. Unlike chemical rodenticides, Bactorodencid has a prolonged (slow) effect. The disease begins to progress in the rodent's body only in 5-7 days - by then all individuals of the family, without fear, have time to try the bait and get infected, so the cost of one treatment is reduced by 3-4 times due to re-infection in the colony. Affected rodents die in 7-15 days.
Cost-effective preparation (several times cheaper than chemical rodenticides).
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